The little things in life…

The world is a huge mess. Unless you are born with a silver spoon in hand, life is going to be hard. It’s going to give you so many lemons you can probably set up a lemonade stand. You’re going to get kicked in your metaphorical balls and all can do is get down on your knees and nurse yourself. All of these though, don’t necessarily mean you can’t be happy; au contraire actually. The more people get, the more they crave. Someone who has lots of money will be wistful about his/her love life. Another who has achieved the love of his life will yearn for more success and a better financial state. Someone who has both will still find something to be melancholic about. The most unstable state is the state of being happy. One moment you’re happy and instantaneously a thought hits you and you go into dejection.
Amongst all these, you’ve got to find a way to make yourself Happy, keep yourself cheerful about your life and keep the abjection at bay. Divulge yourself in activities that get your serotonin pumping​, doesn’t necessarily have to be monumental things. Learn to appreciate the little things in life. Take joy from the world around you, the little birds chirping and drinking water from little puddles, the sunshine that keeps your surroundings green, the patter of raindrops on the windowsill, the wind blowing through your hair et al.

Go outside, play a little, kiss your spouse, travel; you don’t have to travel the world, backpack to nearby places, explore your own city and most importantly eat stuff you love. Never let anything stop you from eating what you love to eat, not even religeon (specially not religion). Go to little cafes, visit little stalls, eat at street vendors, eat at buffets, visit restaurants of cuisines you love. You don’t need to have much gold to get happiness out of eating. Deserts make me happy, pizzas make me happy, chinese food makes me happy so I choose to spend most of my dime on these. If shopping is what makes you happy, shop. Shop at little stalls, save and shop brands you crave. Click the beauty around you cause the Earth is a beautiful place to be if The Martian is anything to go by. In the end it’s all about the little things in life. Learn to take pleasure from the tinny tiny moments of life.


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